KT Tape can benefit your Chiropractic care plan

 Kinesiology Therapeutic Sports Tape has become popular among sports enthusiasts, runners and weight lifters.  This strong, elastic tape is made of cloth, stretchy fibers and can be found in bright colors or more subdued, natural tones.  While some may believe this tape is just a fad used by athletes in Cross Fit games or on the shins of marathon runners, it offers real benefits for anyone recovering from a muscle or tissue injury.  When applied properly to a specific area, KT tape can relieve pressure on sensitive muscles, tissues and ligaments to relieve pain and promote healing. 


History of KT Tape

Dr. Kenzo Kase, a Japanese chiropractor and acupuncturist, was searching for a therapy to allow patients to heal. He noted that sports tapes offered support, but were very stiff and didn’t allow a range of motion for patients.  In the 1970’s, therapies were mainly limited to taping an area or immobilizing a joint or limb after an injury.  Dr. Kase developed the tape to mimic human skin and replicate the elasticity of muscles, allowing for support and flexibility during the healing process. 

How KT Tape Works

When an injury is present or a muscle is overused, it loses its elasticity.  This creates tightness and tension in the muscle.  When joints are misaligned, the surrounding tissues can become inflamed and swollen.  By taping the affected area with varying degrees of tension, KT tape supports the affected area.  This support relieves pressure and reduces the number of pain signals sent from the brain to the damaged region.  Nerve endings lie near the surface of the skin.  When the tape is applied, the skin is slightly lifted allowing better blood and lymph flow.  Thus, when KT tape is applied properly, many painful conditions are relieved. 

Where Can KT Tape Be Applied?

Honestly, KT tape can be used anywhere there is pain.  Its effectiveness varies from condition to condition, but because it is a mild, non-invasive support, taping an area is certainly worth a try in the pursuit of pain relief.  KT tape has been found particularly beneficial for some of the following conditions:

  •     Herniated discs in lumbar, thoracic or cervical regions
  •     Plantar fasciitis
  •     Shin splints
  •     Tendonitis
  •     Rotator Cuff Injuries
  •     Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Chiropractic Adjustments and KT Tape

Your chiropractor should fully evaluate your condition by reviewing x-rays and developing a treatment plan to get you back to pain-free motion.  KT tape is one tool that can help in this goal.  After an adjustment, applying tape to a specific area, may help relieve pain as your treatment course progresses.  Many videos available on YouTube demonstrate how to apply the tape based upon the area that is hurting.  Your chiropractor may have specific application techniques and recommendations, as well.

Closing Thoughts from Dr. Tali

For patients looking for drug-free pain relief, KT tape can be extremely helpful.  By supporting an injured area, while allowing flexibility and range of motion, patients are able to function during the healing process.  Exercise routines, work and daily living should not be negatively impacted by annoying pain symptoms.  Talk to your chiropractor about how best to use KT tape for your specific condition.  At Radiant Health Chiropractic, we are happy to consult about this tool or other available supports to get you back to the life you deserve.  

In wellness, 


Dr. Tali

Strengthening the Immune System with Chiropractic Care

Flu diagnosis have been at epidemic proportions this season.  Data gathered by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) indicate increasing outbreaks weekly from October of 2017 to February of 2018.  Record numbers have been admitted to hospitals across the U.S. during this outbreak.  In addition to basic hygiene and fastidious handwashing procedures, it is important to protect and support the immune system during a time when many in the community are sick.  Chiropractic care can help maintain wellness and support individual immunity during this outbreak of flu and pneumonia. 


Immune System

The immune system in the human body is miraculously designed to fight off disease.  A network of germ-fighting cells join forces to defend against invading microorganisms.  The immune system is made of leukocytes, phagocytes and lymphocytes.  Within the lymphocytes there are two types of cells:  T-cells and B-cells.  T-cells, sometimes called “killer t-cells”, find infection and kill it.  B-cells make antibodies as a barrier to infection from the invading bacteria and viruses.

Defending Against Viruses and Bacteria

Micro-invaders are constantly changing and getting stronger.  This is why there has been a recent awareness in overprescribing antibiotics.  The bacteria are getting smarter and finding ways to resist antibiotics, making illness more difficult to treat.  T-Cells and B-Cells are able to recognize an invading organism and multiply quickly to protect against it.  Thus, finding ways to aid the immune system in the production of these illness fighters is the best way to promote wellness even when surrounded by a host of germs.


How Can I Boost My Immune System?

There are many products that claim to help boost immune health.  A quick search of the Internet will reveal numerous vitamins and supplements claiming to improve your immune system.  A review of the literature reveals the following supplements support immune health:

  •      Vitamin A
  •      Vitamin C
  •      Vitamin D
  •      Vitamin E
  •      Ginseng

However, in addition to adding a good multivitamin and Ginseng tablet to your diet, did you know chiropractic also supports immune health without ingesting a pill?  Studies show the immune system function improves by 48% 24-48 hours after receiving a regular chiropractic adjustment. When fighter T-Cells are working at their optimum, it is much easier to fight the flu and other viral and bacterial illnesses.  When the spine is adjusted properly, neural pathways are open to receive messages identifying harmful invaders in the system. 


Closing Thoughts from Dr. Tali

No one can afford to miss work, school or day-to-day life with the flu or any other illness.  Feeling your best is critical to enjoying all that life has to offer.  During this flu epidemic that is sweeping the nation, take time to invest in your health.  Chiropractic care will boost your immune system, helping your body to naturally fight off pesky invaders.  You owe it to yourself to promote optimal wellness.  Call us today to schedule an appointment to assess your personal situation.  If you are struggling with autoimmune disorders or specific illnesses, we are happy to evaluate your condition to determine if chiropractic care is right for you. 

In wellness, 

Dr. Tali

Wobble Chair For Posture

Some activities invite back and neck pain.  Anyone who works in an office or on a computer for extended periods of time understands the pain that can develop from sitting statically.  Furniture designers are working overtime on ergonomic options to enhance movement and decrease ailments which have developed in this technology-rich world of today.  Wobble chairs are available in a variety of designs and offer movement options for people who must sit on the job. 

What in the World is a Wobble Chair?


A wobble chair is an ergonomically designed chair which allows and promotes movement while sitting.  Often these chairs are created more as a stool.  However, there are varying design options.  Some chairs are structured with a larger seat and arms on the side.  These chairs all have one important feature, though:  no back.  Wobble chairs are designed so the sitter must use lower back muscles and core muscles.  The goal is to sit up straight and move often while working.   

Do Chiropractors Recommend Wobble Chairs for Office Work?

Chiropractors generally always promote healthy movement to clients.  When Isaac Newton uttered, “A body in motion stays in motion,” he certainly never knew how powerful his words would become in the field of chiropractic work.  Wobble chairs and stools help patients to move.  Movement uses muscles, and strong muscles improve range of motion.  Any movement will build better bodies and enhance functionality.  This is the goal of chiropractic care:  to improve the quality of life for patients through natural, non-invasive options.  Thus, it makes perfect sense for chiropractors to recommend this seating option to patients who are struggling with back and neck pain. 

How Do I Sit in a Wobble Chair?

Regardless of the various designs, wobble chairs and stools are used by perching on top near the center point of the stool.  Moving back and forward, side to side or around in a circular motion engages core muscles, lower back and even the hips and legs.   Sitting up with a straight back, balancing and moving often will help maintain positive posture.  Pain and stiffness that develop from sitting too long are alleviated. 

Wobble Board Exercises

Your wobble chair can be used for exercise breaks during the day.  Finding moments in your day to increase movement is important for your health.  If you have invested in a wobble chair or stool, consider the following exercises to get the maximum benefit from this ergonomic seating option:

·      Side-to-Side Movement- Sit up straight and shift hips from side to side, keeping shoulders fairly straight and engaging oblique muscles of the core. 

·      Front-to-Back Movement- Sit up straight and rock hips back and forth, keeping shoulders level and neck straight.

·      Twist- Sit up straight and place fists together in front of your chest with your forearms parallel to your chest and elbows bent.  Twist from side to side, shifting hips slightly during the twist to fully engage the core and provide release of the lumbar spine. 


Closing Thoughts from Dr. Tali

Wobble chairs are an essential office addition to anyone looking to improve core strength and move more during the day.  If you work in an office or find yourself spending a great deal of time sitting, consider this simple investment in your health.  At Radiant Health Chiropractic, we are eager to evaluate you and determine which chair designs might best fit your specific needs.

 In wellness, 

Dr. Tali

Don't fail with New Years Resolutions


Measurable Goals versus Resolutions for Your Health

Happy New Year!  With the New Year upon us, it is natural to begin making resolutions and considering positive lifestyle changes.  Finding ways to improve health and quality of life is the ultimate goal.  Unfortunately, making resolutions sometimes sets people up for failure.  It can be difficult to keep a resolution all year long.  How can setting measurable goals for your health and wellness be more successful than making resolutions?  Very simply, you are more likely to meet a small, measurable goal than meeting a resolution to change an ingrained behavior. 


If you want to be better organized and more productive this year, you are not alone.  Following through with complicated planner systems or cleaning out long neglected areas in the house can be overwhelming.  Making small changes to be better organized will offer a sense of accomplishment.  Begin by making a list of three minor things you would like to organize.  Clean out a junk drawer, donate unused toys to charity, or create a calendar for family appointments.  Make your first three projects small and manageable.  Once you have completed those three, cross them off and add three more to the list.  At the end of the year, looking back to see all you have accomplished is quite rewarding. 


One of the most common resolutions people make is to lose weight and eat healthy foods.  If you have fallen into less than healthy eating habits, setting small measurable goals to improve your diet is a better first step to lasting change.  Consider setting a goal to eat one serving of fruits and vegetables with every meal.  You may also set a goal to abstain from sugar for one day.  If you are successful for one day, you may wish to add another day.  Tracking your goals and being mindful of small healthy choices will set you up for eating healthy foods to serve your body. 


Many people want to commit to more consistent exercise.  Starting off with a strenuous routine is setting yourself up for failure.  Some of these tips may help you make a lasting commitment to a healthy exercise routine:

·       Purchase a pedometer or download a step calculator app for your phone

·       Stretch every day before you get out of bed

·       If you have a few minutes, do a few lunges, knee bends or wall push-ups

·       Find a friend to commit to working out

·       Engage in activities you enjoy like bike riding, hiking or kayaking

Closing Thoughts from Dr. Tali

It is common to set resolutions for the New Year.  However, make your goals small and measurable to have greater success.  Goals can help you experience an overall sense of health and wellness.  Along with the healthy goal areas above, consider making a commitment to regular chiropractic care.  Your chiropractor will adjust your body and prescribe wellness practices for ease of motion and optimum body functioning.  At Radiant Health Chiropractic, we are eager to move you into a wellness-focused year, one day at a time.  Call us today to schedule an appointment.   

In wellness,   

Dr. Tali



How do I know if I am receiving the Best Chiropractic care?

For those of you living outside the service area of Radiant Health Chiropractic, you may wonder how to find a quality provider.  There are certain things to look for if you are searching for the best chiropractic care.  The most important consideration for any sort of medical treatment is to find a doctor who listens and plans a path to wellness for you.  When looking for a chiropractor, think about a long-term working relationship with someone who can support your goals for optimal health.


Research Different Chiropractors

With any service, it helps to research different providers in your area.  In addition to combing websites and reading online reviews, asking friends and neighbors about different providers can be helpful, as well.  Hearing positive and negative experiences from others can help narrow the list of providers you are considering.  After determining a list of contenders, call each office to get more information. 

Questions to Ask When You Call

While you are looking for a chiropractor with extensive knowledge and good bedside manner, there are other practical matters to consider when seeking the best chiropractic care.  Knowing the right questions to ask can be important in finding the right doctor for you.  Consider asking the following to determine if a care center is a good fit:

·         Ask about screening, evaluation, x-rays and treatment options.

·         Make sure to inquire about costs, insurance options and billing.

·         Determine a center’s hours of operation to see if it fits with your schedule.

·         Ask about collaborative services like massage, acupuncture and nutrition.

·         Inquire about standard treatment plans.

How Do You Feel?

For many people, going to any type of doctor can be anxiety producing.  Chiropractic can seem strange, especially if you have never been seen for this type of care.  Because chiropractic generally focuses on wellness instead of disease, it can be a different experience for patients.  Mental and emotional states are tied to recovery efforts.  Thus, finding a doctor who sets you at ease is critical to embarking on a treatment journey.  A doctor providing the best chiropractic care will do the following:

·         Spend time listening to your concerns.

·         Conduct a thorough exam prior to beginning treatments.

·         Offer a tour of the facility and equipment.

·         Verbally describe instruments, adjustments and treatments.

·         Reevaluate the effectiveness of treatment periodically.

Closing Thoughts from Dr. Tali

Radiant Health Chiropractic is fully committed to your health and well-being.  Finding the right provider to restore you to optimal wellness should be your ultimate goal.  Make sure your chiropractor listens well and is committed to a program designed to improve your overall quality of life.  Not only will chiropractic care help with painful injuries, the right care can promote better physical functioning than you had previously.  If you have questions about how to find the best possible chiropractic care, reach out today and call us at 404-610-1090

In Wellness,

Dr. Tali

Holiday Shopping? 3 Tips from your Chiropractor

Do you find yourself humming along with Christmas carols as you stroll up and down the aisles of stores searching for the perfect gift?  Or, do you rush from one store to the other, frenzied to get it all done?  Whatever your state of readiness happens to be with regard to the holidays, they are indeed upon us.  Holidays can be joyful, stressful, magical and distressing all at once.  Considering the myriad of emotions people experience during this time of year, it is no wonder many struggle with aches and pains.  There are some simple things to help you cope with stress and strain during the holidays.  Chiropractic care can help. 


Pace Yourself

Holiday shopping can mean driving from store to store, walking more than usual and eating on the run.  Planning for ways to cope with irregularly scheduled activities can help you feel better able to manage all the different tasks thrust upon us this time of year.  Pacing activities differently can help alleviate the stress of getting it all done. Consider the following this season:

·         Plan for meals to minimize eating fast food.  Feeding your body healthy, nourishing food will make you have more energy.

·         Before a lot of driving, stretch your muscles.  Knee bends, leg lifts and simple twists can keep your muscles from accumulating fluid and help blood to flow more freely, preventing stiffness.

·         Each day during the holidays do a “must do”, a “may do” and a “want to do”.  There are so many “must do’s” on everyone’s lists that it is simple to forget to do some of the things you want to do.

Be Careful with Seasonal Tasks

Some holiday activities only come once a year.  Make sure you are exhibiting care when doing things you don’t normally do, like hanging Christmas lights or lifting heavy packages.  If you are tasked with hanging lights, make sure you have help and that your ladder and other equipment are sufficient for the job.  Also, lifting packages or hauling in the Christmas tree can sometimes cause stress and strain in the back.  Remember to lift with your knees bent and get help if you need it.  An injury during the holiday tasks can make the holiday season much less enjoyable. 

Visit Your Chiropractor

Self-care is extremely important during the holidays.  You and your family deserve a warm, loving holiday season.  Visiting your chiropractor for an adjustment, massage or other service not only places your body back in alignment, it sends every part of your body and brain the message that taking care of yourself is a priority.  From a wellness perspective, seeing your doctor for chiropractic care makes sense to keep you functioning at optimal levels.

Closing Thoughts from Dr. Tali

During this time of year, people are thrust into activities they don’t normally do.  Finding healthy, positive ways to stretch and keep the body in motion is critical.  At Radiant Health Chiropractic, we are committed to helping you make it through the holidays enjoying the wonder of the season.  Let us help you set wellness goals to carry you through the holidays and into the New Year.

In Wellness,

Dr. Tali

Sleep and Wellness'


Getting enough sleep is so important to overall wellness.  According to the Center for Disease Control, 1 in 3 Americans do not get enough sleep.  This means 1/3 of our population is functioning from a sleep-deprived state.  Are you one of these people? 

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Negative Mental Effects of Not Getting Enough Sleep

Everyone knows how it feels to stay up a little too late and suffer the next day.  Your mind is foggy, and you feel less productive.  This is because different areas of the brain are significantly affected by lack of sleep:

·      Problem-solving

·      Learning

·      Decision making

·      Attention

·      Emotional Regulation

Negative Physical Effects of Not Getting Enough Sleep

Did you know that not getting enough sleep can also have significant effects on your physical health, as well?  Studies link a series of diseases to lack of sleep.  You may be surprised to discover a correlation between lack of sleep and the following ailments:

·      Obesity

·      Diabetes

·      Hypertension

·      Heart disease

·      Stroke

What If I Can’t Sleep?

There is no doubt getting enough rest is important for the mind and body; however, many people find themselves wrestling with insomnia and sleeplessness.  Improving the quality of the sleep you are getting can improve your health.  First, if you are having trouble falling asleep, try meditation.  A number of guided meditation apps are available for free to help those struggling to fall asleep.  Also consider some gentle stretching and breathing exercises prior to settling down for the night.  Yoga or just simple movements can help relax your body and ready you for a good night’s rest. 

Chiropractic Care and Sleep

Of course, embracing a wellness mindset will improve sleep as well.  When your body moves correctly and is aligned properly, physical pain that can inhibit restful sleep is alleviated.  Numerous studies have shown a positive relationship between chiropractic care and improved sleep in children and adults.  When the body is able to rest comfortably, the mind follows with improved sleep quality.

Closing Thoughts from Dr. Tali

Getting enough sleep is critical to overall health and wellness.  Not only does sleep help you to function at your best, healthy sleep patterns can prevent a host of physical symptoms from developing.  If you are having difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep, contact us at Radiant Health Chiropractic.  We will listen to your specific situation and develop a plan to restore balance and health to your life. 

In wellness, 

Dr. Tali

Walking Gratitude Meditation for Beginning Fitness


With Thanksgiving upon us, it is important to pause and reflect upon the things in our lives for which we are grateful.  If you are struggling with aches and pains, it can be difficult to see past disease and illness to arrive at a place of gratitude.  However, a grateful heart builds upon itself bringing joy and more positivity to your personal life experience.  Consider a walking mindfulness meditation to improve health and fitness and embrace an attitude of gratitude today.


Mindfulness, defined simply, is paying attention.  So many of our thoughts and movements happen automatically.  Being stuck in life’s automatic pace, does not allow for embracing little moments in the day for which we can be truly thankful.  Try a walking meditation to improve physical fitness while tuning in to the body and its amazing functionality.

Walking Meditation

·       Begin by taking three deep, cleansing breaths, focusing on inhaling and exhaling completely.  While you can do a mindfulness walking meditation anywhere, you may wish to choose a serene nature path if you have not done a walking meditation before. 

·       Begin walking, focusing on matching your breath to your pace.  Once you have established a pace, focus on your feet and how they feel hitting the surface you are walking upon. 

·       Next focus on your calves and your knees.  Really feel how they are moving as you walk.  If you notice any pain or discomfort, merely make mental note of the area as you continue walking.  

·       Continue your scan to your thighs and hips.  Pay attention to your gait and any accommodations your body is making for alignment issues. 

·       Continuing your walk, focusing on your core.  Be thankful for the muscles that support you and hold your whole frame upright and steady. 

·       Focus on your chest and your heartrate.  Listen again to your breathing. 

·       Continue your mindful body scan up through your shoulders, neck and head.  Feel the sun or breeze on your face.

·       As your walk continues, simply focus your mental energy on scanning your body.  If other thoughts intrude, just acknowledge them and go back to your mindfulness scan as you walk.

Thankfulness and Health

There is no doubt that thankfulness and gratitude can do much to improve your overall sense of well-being.  A group of researchers actually conducted a study proving there is a correlation between being thankful and feeling mentally, physically and emotionally well.  Walking, mindful body scanning and being thankful for the ability to move are all simple ways to practice gratitude daily. 

Closing Thoughts from Dr. Tali

As a chiropractor, I often see people experiencing pain and discomfort.  However, the joy of chiropractic care is that we focus on restoring balance and wellness to our patients.  As you practice this mindfulness walking meditation, know that we at Radiant Health Chiropractic are grateful to be a part of the community and a resource for your positive health and wellness journey. 

In wellness,  Dr. Tali

Computer Work-Related Aches-What To Do


Computer Work-Related Aches- What To Do?

For many in today’s world, hours upon hours are spent typing in front of a computer screen.  This type of work can create posture issues that lead to headaches, backaches and stiff muscles.  Poor posture for prolonged periods can lead to severe degenerative disc disease and spinal decay. If computer work is a part of your job, finding a way to combat the ill-effects of hunching over the screen for long blocks of time can be challenging.  Try some of the following tips to improve overall physical wellness if technology is attributing to physical aches and pains. 

Where are You Sitting?

With the onset of technology dominated jobs, ergonomic chairs and supports have become must-haves in an office.  Hunching over can cause kyphosis, or excessive curvature of the upper back. If you are limited with the type of chair available, make sure the chair is adjusted to the proper height.  Your wrists should rest comfortably at a right angle when typing.  Seat cushions, blocks and other supports can be added easily to insure your chair is situated to the proper height for typing. 

Frequent Headaches?

If you are experiencing frequent headaches after a stint of computer work, you may be experiencing what some physicians have dubbed “text neck”.  Stretching exercises involving lengthening the neck by raising the chin up and lowering it toward the chest periodically during work sessions can relieve pressure on the splenius capitis muscle, connecting the base of the skull to the upper back.  Moving the head from side to side in a gentle stretch can relieve irritation that contributes to headaches. 

Leg Pain or Tingling in the Legs?

Again, making sure your seat is adjusted to the proper height so your feet can rest comfortably on the floor is critical.  However, if you find your legs tingling or restless, your body is trying to tell you something.  Get up and move.  Our bodies are not meant to be sedentary.  If you are experiencing leg pain, stand up beside your desk and do several deep squats for relief.  Standing with your back against the wall while placing one foot on the wall with bended knee and alternating legs is an easy way to relieve pain and provide back support, as well.  Simply, walking around and stretching your legs for a moment can help, too.  You might tell yourself you don’t have time to move, but studies show short breaks from the computer actually increase overall productivity. 

Closing Thoughts from Dr. Tali

Computers are a part of our world, but sitting all day with improper posture and limited movement opportunities can be extremely hazardous to overall health and wellness.  Insuring proper height and making adjustments to display settings can significantly improve the computer work experience.  Further, finding opportunities for movement will not only relieve computer work-related aches, productivity will increase helping you get the job done faster so you can get out of the office and onto something you really enjoy.  If you are already experiencing the ill-effects of computer-related aches, an adjustment will improve your quality of life.  Call us today at 404-610-1090 to schedule an appointment to chart a path toward wellness today.

In wellness, 


Dr. Tali Pariser




Imbalance of the DHEA hormone could be affecting how you respond to stress.

We use Labrix Clinical Services Inc. who is dedicated to providing the most accurate and physiologically relevant hormone testing available. In keeping with our dedication to accuracy we have chosen to measure DHEA rather than DHEAS in saliva. We are aware that many laboratories choose to measure DHEAS in spite of the overwhelming evidence that points to DHEA being the only form of DHEA accurately measured in saliva and additionally more clinically relevant.

DHEA exists in two forms – free DHEA (DHEA) and sulphated DHEA (DHEAS). DHEAS is the inactive stored reservoir form of DHEA. DHEAS levels do not reflect biologically active DHEA levels. It must be desulfated by the enzyme DHEA sulfotransferase (SULT2A1) in order to be active.

Since DHEA is the biologically active form of the hormone, it is the only form which can be converted into androgens and estrogen and only DHEA (not DHEAS) is protective for the brain. The active form of DHEA is produced in the adrenal glands and its free levels in the body can be measured accurately in the saliva. Measuring salivary levels of DHEA is a precise evaluation of the circadian secretions of this hormone by the adrenal cortex.

Salivary DHEA reflects the unbound, biologically active fraction of the hormone in the general circulation and shows excellent correlation with free plasma levels of DHEA. DHEA (like other steroid hormones) is a non-polar molecule. Non-polar molecules are transported very easily through the salivary gland and their concentration in saliva matches that of the free circulating levels in the body. DHEAS on the other hand is a polar molecule. Its concentration in saliva is not a reflection of its concentration in the body.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is the most abundant hormone in the body. It is primarily produced in the zona reticularis of the adrenal cortex and small amounts of DHEA are produced in the brain. DHEA serves as a metabolic intermediate (prohormone) in the pathway for synthesis of testosterone, androstendione, estrone, and estradiol. All the enzymes required to transform DHEA into androgens and/or estrogens are expressed in a cell-specific manner in a large series of peripheral target tissues (breast, prostate, skin, bone etc.), thus permitting all androgen-sensitive and estrogen-sensitive tissues to make sex steroids locally and control the intracellular levels according to their local needs.

DHEA also serves a very important role in the stress response (hence its formation is triggered by ACTH, the same chemical messenger that triggers cortisol formation). DHEA has been shown to elevate mood,calm emotions and increase alertness – all essential qualities for responding well to stress. Additionally, DHEA’s affect on mood helps us cope more evenly with the stress and also helps improve memory.


Health Disclaimer: All information given about health conditions, treatments, products and dosages are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. This is provided only as a suggested guideline.

labrix.com | P: 877-656-9596 | F: 503-656-9756

DHEA and DHEAS levels do not correlate well in pathological conditions i.e. high DHEA levels do not necessarily lead to high DHEAS levels. It appears that the enzyme that converts DHEA to DHEAS (SULT2A1) is often impaired during ill health. This leads to a reduction in DHEAS levels and a marked increase in DHEA levels.

This again underscores the necessity of testing DHEA not DHEAS when evaluating patient and especially for those who are chronically ill.

Reference List

1. Clinical correlates of DHEA associated with post-traumatic stress disorder. Yehuda R, Brand SR, Golier JA, Yang RK, Acta Psychiatr Scan. Sep 2006;114(3):187-93.

2. Helpful diagnostic markers of steroidogenesis for

defining hyperandrogenemia in hirsute women. Willenberg HS, Bahlo M, Schott M, Wertenbruch T, Feldkamp J, Scherbaum WA. Steroids. 2008 Jan;73(1):41-6.

3. No evidence for hepatic conversion of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate fo DHEA – in vivo and in vitro studies. Hammer F, Subtil S, Lux P, et al. J Clin Endocrinol Metab 2005;Mar 8

4. Hormones in Saliva. Vining RF and McGinley RA. Critical Reviews in Clinical Laboratory Sciences. (1986)


5. Is dehydroepiandrosterone a hormone? Labrie F, Luu-The V, Belanger A, Lin SX, Simard J, Pelletier F, Labrie C. J Endocrinol. 2005 Nov;187(2):169-96.

6. Functions and mechanisms of dehydroepiandrosterone in nervous system. Xie L, Sun HY, Gao J. Liao H.. Shen Li Ke XueJin Zhan. 2006 Oct;37(4):335-8.

7. Suppression of DHEA sulfotransferase (Sult2A1) during the acute-phase response. Kim MS, Shigenaga J, Moser A, Grunfeld C, Feingold KR. Am J Physiol Endocrinol Metab. 2004 Oct:287(4):E731-8.

8. Beyond the ovary: steroids and PCOS. Wiebke Arlt.

The Endocrinologist. Issue 77. Autumn 2005.