Holiday Shopping? 3 Tips from your Chiropractor — Radiant Health Chiropractic

Holiday Shopping? 3 Tips from your Chiropractor

Do you find yourself humming along with Christmas carols as you stroll up and down the aisles of stores searching for the perfect gift?  Or, do you rush from one store to the other, frenzied to get it all done?  Whatever your state of readiness happens to be with regard to the holidays, they are indeed upon us.  Holidays can be joyful, stressful, magical and distressing all at once.  Considering the myriad of emotions people experience during this time of year, it is no wonder many struggle with aches and pains.  There are some simple things to help you cope with stress and strain during the holidays.  Chiropractic care can help. 


Pace Yourself

Holiday shopping can mean driving from store to store, walking more than usual and eating on the run.  Planning for ways to cope with irregularly scheduled activities can help you feel better able to manage all the different tasks thrust upon us this time of year.  Pacing activities differently can help alleviate the stress of getting it all done. Consider the following this season:

·         Plan for meals to minimize eating fast food.  Feeding your body healthy, nourishing food will make you have more energy.

·         Before a lot of driving, stretch your muscles.  Knee bends, leg lifts and simple twists can keep your muscles from accumulating fluid and help blood to flow more freely, preventing stiffness.

·         Each day during the holidays do a “must do”, a “may do” and a “want to do”.  There are so many “must do’s” on everyone’s lists that it is simple to forget to do some of the things you want to do.

Be Careful with Seasonal Tasks

Some holiday activities only come once a year.  Make sure you are exhibiting care when doing things you don’t normally do, like hanging Christmas lights or lifting heavy packages.  If you are tasked with hanging lights, make sure you have help and that your ladder and other equipment are sufficient for the job.  Also, lifting packages or hauling in the Christmas tree can sometimes cause stress and strain in the back.  Remember to lift with your knees bent and get help if you need it.  An injury during the holiday tasks can make the holiday season much less enjoyable. 

Visit Your Chiropractor

Self-care is extremely important during the holidays.  You and your family deserve a warm, loving holiday season.  Visiting your chiropractor for an adjustment, massage or other service not only places your body back in alignment, it sends every part of your body and brain the message that taking care of yourself is a priority.  From a wellness perspective, seeing your doctor for chiropractic care makes sense to keep you functioning at optimal levels.

Closing Thoughts from Dr. Tali

During this time of year, people are thrust into activities they don’t normally do.  Finding healthy, positive ways to stretch and keep the body in motion is critical.  At Radiant Health Chiropractic, we are committed to helping you make it through the holidays enjoying the wonder of the season.  Let us help you set wellness goals to carry you through the holidays and into the New Year.

In Wellness,

Dr. Tali
