5 Tips for Plantar Fasciitis Sufferers


Plantar Fasciitis is a painful condition caused by tight Achilles tendons, which are the tendons
attaching your calf muscles to your heels. Simply wearing shoes with soft soles and poor arch
support can result in plantar fasciitis. Many believe Plantar fasciitis is caused by heel spurs;
however, this generally is not the case.

Normally, the condition is caused by excessive pronation of the foot during walking, running or other repetitive exercises. Scar tissue formation in the connective tissue band between the ball of the foot and the heel can result in significant plantar fascia pain . Stretching and hardening of the fascia causes a sharp, stabbing pain when first stepping down in the morning or after an extended period of rest.

The pain usually lessens after a few steps and some movement. I generally recommend adding exercises and stretches to speed up the comfort and ability to resume a normal activity level.


Tips to Alleviate Pain

For help with pain, there are a few natural techniques to promote immediate relief. Any of the
following can help sufferers ease the piercing pain associated with plantar fasciitis:

  1. Wear arch supports.
  2. Freeze a water bottle and roll the foot between the ball of the foot and the heel as an Ice  massage.
  3. Stretch the calves thoroughly before exercise.
  4. Rub the fascia between bouts of walking or exercise.
  5. Towel Gathering: Begin seated in chair. Place a towel flat on floor. For best results, place towel on hard,smooth surface. Grasp towel with curled toes pulling inward. Release, re-grasp and repeat until end of towel is reached. Repeat for prescribed repetitions and sets, generally 3 sets times per day.

Can Chiropractic Help?

Some Chiropractors do adjust extremities and are able to adjust the foot itself. Once
adjusted the stretches can be very effective. Chiropractic care will provide the body with an ability to start the healing process. Regular care will provide long term relief and prevention of further damage and ongoing worsening of the condition. Wellness care and regular adjustments improve posture and gait, ultimately alleviating the pronation of the foot during exercise. Depending upon the initial assessment, your chiropractic care provider may be able to do specific adjustments and recommend stretching exercises and supplemental supports to speed healing. After following a treatment plan and consistent care, plantar fasciitis symptoms can be alleviated within a few months.

Closing Thoughts from Dr. Tali

Foot pain can be debilitating. Taking care of your feet and legs is extremely important for
continued mobility. For plantar fasciitis sufferers, proper arch supports, ongoing stretching and
chiropractic care can provide a recipe for healing. Subtle changes over time can make the sharp, shooting foot pain associated with plantar fasciitis a thing of the past. Call us today for a consultation about your specific condition. We are happy to assess and provide the best possible care to promote ongoing, pain-free mobility.

In wellness,
Dr. Tali Pariser