Computer Work-Related Aches-What To Do


Computer Work-Related Aches- What To Do?

For many in today’s world, hours upon hours are spent typing in front of a computer screen.  This type of work can create posture issues that lead to headaches, backaches and stiff muscles.  Poor posture for prolonged periods can lead to severe degenerative disc disease and spinal decay. If computer work is a part of your job, finding a way to combat the ill-effects of hunching over the screen for long blocks of time can be challenging.  Try some of the following tips to improve overall physical wellness if technology is attributing to physical aches and pains. 

Where are You Sitting?

With the onset of technology dominated jobs, ergonomic chairs and supports have become must-haves in an office.  Hunching over can cause kyphosis, or excessive curvature of the upper back. If you are limited with the type of chair available, make sure the chair is adjusted to the proper height.  Your wrists should rest comfortably at a right angle when typing.  Seat cushions, blocks and other supports can be added easily to insure your chair is situated to the proper height for typing. 

Frequent Headaches?

If you are experiencing frequent headaches after a stint of computer work, you may be experiencing what some physicians have dubbed “text neck”.  Stretching exercises involving lengthening the neck by raising the chin up and lowering it toward the chest periodically during work sessions can relieve pressure on the splenius capitis muscle, connecting the base of the skull to the upper back.  Moving the head from side to side in a gentle stretch can relieve irritation that contributes to headaches. 

Leg Pain or Tingling in the Legs?

Again, making sure your seat is adjusted to the proper height so your feet can rest comfortably on the floor is critical.  However, if you find your legs tingling or restless, your body is trying to tell you something.  Get up and move.  Our bodies are not meant to be sedentary.  If you are experiencing leg pain, stand up beside your desk and do several deep squats for relief.  Standing with your back against the wall while placing one foot on the wall with bended knee and alternating legs is an easy way to relieve pain and provide back support, as well.  Simply, walking around and stretching your legs for a moment can help, too.  You might tell yourself you don’t have time to move, but studies show short breaks from the computer actually increase overall productivity. 

Closing Thoughts from Dr. Tali

Computers are a part of our world, but sitting all day with improper posture and limited movement opportunities can be extremely hazardous to overall health and wellness.  Insuring proper height and making adjustments to display settings can significantly improve the computer work experience.  Further, finding opportunities for movement will not only relieve computer work-related aches, productivity will increase helping you get the job done faster so you can get out of the office and onto something you really enjoy.  If you are already experiencing the ill-effects of computer-related aches, an adjustment will improve your quality of life.  Call us today at 404-610-1090 to schedule an appointment to chart a path toward wellness today.

In wellness, 


Dr. Tali Pariser